Why this approach works

What I do as a Practitioner:

In short, “I obtain a set of laboratory test results on your behalf from a certified lab in the U.S. and provide you with a holistic interpretation of those results that you can use exclusively as an educational tool for personal health purposes.” This was taken from the Terms and Conditions that every person who works with me signs! I think it is important to understand that while this approach may seem trivial to some, it is how you will change the trajectory of your health and the health of your family for generations.

What is my approach:

I see how the body functions in a phenomenal orchestration of metabolic processes involving cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, fluids, gases, chemistry, and energy. This impressively complex metabolic orchestration is the result of a detailed set of instructions or innate intelligence at work on every particle of every cell created by none other than the God of the Bible, whom does not make mistakes. While our God is perfect, humans are not and dis-ease in the body can be debilitating. The body is smart and will always opt to keep you alive. With that in mind, we work with the body to give it the tools and fuel needed to heal and continue to do what it was made to do- sustain life!

Why this approach:

The U.S. spends the most money on healthcare yet we are ranked dead last in health and healthcare outcomes of all wealthy nations analyzed (Source: The Journal of the American Medical Association 9/21/21). The American healthcare system focuses on a reactive approach rather than a preventative approach. This isn’t new information or a “conspiracy” (since everything is a conspiracy now-a-days), rather a fact that we have all taken part in for decades. Not to knock reactive care, when I ended up in an emergent situation that ended in an appendectomy, I was thankful for the ER and trained surgeons! The point is to actively engage in preventative care so you don’t end up needing reactive care, understand?

I heard a powerful quote on a podcast:

“Where we are lost is that [by the phrase “trust the science”] we have asked people to be divorced from their common sense” - Dr. Casey Means, Stanford trained surgeon

We have to get back to self and I really believe the FDN approach is how we do that.

Understanding how you got to this point of dysfunction is imperative. This is why an extensive past and present medical intake and consult is necessary. Understanding where your body is at currently serves as the biggest clue when trying to decipher what you need and is one reason why we run lab work. Running functional labs that look more through a cellular lens and having bloodwork read optimally are not just suggested but warranted. Finally, correlating all data, symptoms, and history to formulate a plan of action moving forward to not only halt dysfunction but unravel chaos. This is how we beat dis-ease and prolong longevity.

This approach IS for everyone but obviously not chosen by everyone. It has been shown to be beneficial in hundreds of thousands of people, though proven in hindsight as it relies on non-specific findings to fashion a very individualized solution. In other words, true healthcare is not a one-size-fits-all, as the standard medical model teaches and promotes. It takes time and patience to unravel the dysfunction, get back to self, and steward the body well but the reward is far beyond worth the perseverance.


All in all, this approach works because YOU do! You commit to the mental, physical, emotional, spiritual process of bettering yourself day by day, year by year and in turn are more in control of your health than ever before.

xx, Steph


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